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Bipolar: Living With It
Manic Depressive Memoirs
Ian Higgins
Ian Higgins

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Ian Higgins BA (Hons), BEd, DipDiv has been fascinated by words for as long as he can remember. He has written short stories, poetry and many letters to the editor, as well as editing the Religious Education Journal of Australia at its inception.
He has now retired on the Mornington Peninsula in Victoria with his wife Barbara.
In his late seventies he was diagnosed as having late onset bipolar disorder. These memoirs are written from a bipolar perspective in the hope that this shared lived experience may be a help to others.

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Fred's Amazing Holiday

Ian Higgins
Ian Higgins

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Fred is a dreamer who likes to give the teacher answers the teacher does not expect. Fred even points out where he thinks the teacher gets it wrong. To make matters worse, Fred believes he is right. No wonder he lands into trouble. Yet this is what gets him going on his amazing adventure.
This is a story for the young at heart, any adventurous spirit, aged roughly between nine and ninety years old.


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