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Happiness Is Just a Breath Away
How to Achieve High Energy Confidence & Vitality
A$9.99 (Ebook)
Global Publishing Group

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Discover the Secrets of High Energy, Passion and Enthusiasm for Life.
You will be: Happier, Healthier, More confident, Highly energised.
Kawena (80 years young) is inspiring and motivating in sharing her lifetime secrets. Kawena credits this to being a great believer in the Power of the Breath and the Power of the Mind. "My happiness and enthusiasm have never been stronger. I am healthier and have much more energy than at middle age."
You will learn:
- Power Breathing for high energy and vitality
- Power Affirmations to motivate you each day
- Power of the Mind to keep you 'out of the rut'
- Self Healing to support your health
- Manifesting to create the life you want
- Confidence & Self Esteem with self respect
- Intuitive Awareness to guide your life direction
- Spiritually Uplifting Meditations to sooth the soul
- Loving & Gifting to empower your life and others
Kawena's greatest joy in life is helping people understand what wonderful potential lies in each and every one of us.
This book will increase your Happiness and Vitality


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