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eBook Listing

Showing 1156 to 1170 of 1183 titles

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Why Us? Why Not.

Leslie Falkiner-Rose
Clan Destine Press

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People often say 'You don't deserve this' but, when it comes to cancer, who does?
So, when a devastating diagnosis tips the Falkiner-Rose family on its head, it takes medicos, bloody-mindedness and imagination to survive their version of medical whack-a-mole.
At the time they kept up a stream of Pete Updates for friends and family. Using those and intimate reflections, Leslie Falkiner-Rose tells a tale that's messy, moving, mind-blowing and, at times, very amusing.

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Wicked Wizards and Leaping Lizards

Mark Carthew; Mike Spoor
Leaping Lizards Press

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Wizards with Lizards
and witches in britches.
This batty book
will have you in stitches.
Fun jokes, rhymes and riddles
about broomsticks and bats.
Ogres, big noses,
goblins and cats!
Crazy book titles,
plus doctors galore...
Grab hold of this book and
you'll laugh till you're sore!

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Wild Cat Falling

ETT Imprint

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From its initial appearance, Wild Cat Falling was recognised as a profoundly important work. Mudrooroo first published it under the name Colin Johnson. And when it was released by Angus & Robertson in 1965, Aboriginals were not considered Australian citizens, did not have the right to vote, and no novel written by an Aboriginal Australian had made it to print.
In telling the story of a symbolically nameless young Aboriginal man, and of his re-entry into society after a period of incarceration, Mudrooroo offered insights into an Aboriginal's sense of isolation, his literal and metaphorical imprisonment, and his estrangement from his own people and culture. The young man belongs neither to the white society that shuns him nor to the Aboriginal fringe dwellers who inhabit the white society's periphery. While he can 'talk the talk' of the subversive white 'bodgies', they offer no more clue to his identity than do the university students he charms with his parodic existential angst.
This fiftieth anniversary edition of Mudrooroo's Wild Cat Falling, including an updated introduction and autobiography by Mudrooroo, highlights this writer's importance to Australian literature. Wild Cat Falling has been in print continuously since its initial publication in 1965. It is frequently read as a school and university text, and it has helped to establish Mudrooroo as a writer recognised widely throughout the world.

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Wild Ride
Epic Cycling Journeys Through the Heart of Australia
Daniel Oakman
Melbourne Books

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This book tells the story of cyclists who were overcome by the need to venture into the wild on two wheels; the courageous men and women who undertook some of the most epic bicycle journeys of all time.
Wild Ride reminds us of a thrilling period of exploration all but forgotten in the age of the motorcar. Daniel Oakman takes us on a rich ride through 130 years of Australian cycling; from the overlanding heroes of Arthur Richardson and Francis Birtles, to the lesser known but no less amazing feats of Jerome Murif, Ted Ryko and Joe Pearson, through to modern-day bikepacking trailblazers such as Kate Leeming, Tegan Streeter and Tom Richards. Celebrity riders are here too; from the historic icons of Hubert ‘Oppy’ Opperman, Wendy Duncan and Shirley Law, to the more recent triumphs of actor Sam Johnson and his audacious quest to ride a unicycle 15,000 kilometres around the country.
You will be astounded by their journeys, retold here with sparkling clarity. Be inspired for your next pedal powered adventure.

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Wildcat Screaming

ETT Imprint

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'Well, I can dream can't I? Dream? - nightmares, more like it. All I have to do is dream, dream, dream, scream... I'm now walking through this posh suburb, walking? - more like slinking. Wildcat on the prowl. Naw, though maybe checking out the streets for a bust. Eyes dart this way, that way, all ways, focus, man, on the main chance. Take it and break it real good; but is there any chances left? Not with my luck!'
Wildcat is out of prison, but not for long. In this sequel to Wild Cat Falling, Mudrooroo takes us inside the life of the urban Aboriginal. Set in the boom years of Perth bankers and entrepreneurs, we see the same wheeling and dealing from inside Fremantle prison. Wildcat has to survive, and understand the new order, set by the Chief Warder and an ex-Indian Army officer. Soon he too is part of their great creation, The Panopticon Prison Reform Society.
A novel by one of Australia's most revolutionary stylists.

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Will to Win
The West At Play
Don Miller
Hybrid Publishers

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How has sport, starting as the happy games of childhood, become branded as an endless competition of 'winning' and 'losing'? Why is the public apparently 'unperturbed' with humiliating so many people? It can 'cost' five thousand 'losers' to produce one 'winner' - sport, a 'weapon of mass destruction'.
Will to Win tries to explain why millions trek weekly to its myriad global chapels/stadiums for worship, blessing and succour, and how it spreads its tentacles across the globe, and floods daily media. And how it has the confidence to believe its 'winners' can teach the community how to become 'successful' in business and life. This book is a work of reflection by a social scientist.

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Winds of Evil

Arthur W. Upfield
ETT Imprint

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When Bonaparte sets out to investigate two bizarre murders near the dusty little outback town of Carie, all the odds are against him. The crimes were committed a year before, the scent cold, and any clues that may have survived have been confused by a ham-fisted city policeman. As Bony follows the trail he is first threatened and then attacked by the mysterious murderer. It's a case that will tax his ingenuity to the limit... if he lives to see it through.
Excellent set up for a story, good cast of characters, perplexing confusion of suspects, and perceptive unravelling of tangled threads. - Kirkus Review

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Dianne Ellis
Brolga Publishing

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Jack's face grew serious. He moved closer.
'Can you keep a secret, something really awesome? Something that you'll never believe unless I show you?'
It's hard to explain a place like Wingdom, a magical kingdom filled with all types of friendly flying creatures. Jack has been there and wants to show his good Friend, Flynn. But there's only one way to get there and that's with the help of a tiny pair of gold-threaded wings bequeathed to Jack by a dying moth.
Follow Jack and Flynn on their thrilling yet spine-chilling adventure into this world of wings and beyond.
Author Dianne Ellis has created this delightful tale showcasing the importance of friendship, caring for others and believing in yourself. Dare to dream!

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Wings Above the Diamantina

Arthur W. Upfield
ETT Imprint

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The discovery of a stolen red monoplane on the dry, flat bottom of Emu Lake meant many things for different folks. For Elizabeth Nettlefold, the chance to nurse its strangely ill meant renewed purpose in life. For Dr Knowles, brilliant physician and town drunk, it meant the revival of a romantic dream. For some it meant a murder plan gone awry, and for Bonaparte, it meant one of the toughest cases of his career.
Bony - a unique figure among top-flight detectives. - BBC

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Winning a Giraffe Called Geoffrey

Hazel Edwards; Jane Connory
Hazel Edwards

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If you're the kind of person who never wins anything, and then you win a giraffe, you've got a problem.
Of course, if you're a part-time spy like Art, you're ace at solving problems.
But keeping the news of the giraffe from his Mum isn't the only thing on Art's mind.
His friend India thinks she's uncovered a dog-snatching scam, and Art agrees that if she helps him hide his giraffe, he'll help her sort it out.
Art's not keen on reading, but...

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Winning Horsemanship
A Judge's Secrets and Tips For Your Success
Joanne Verikios
Global Publishing Group

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Learn how to cultivate and hone that winning edge.
Have you ever dreamed of taking your horsemanship to the next level; have you ever left the arena thinking you could have done better - or wondering why you didn't? International author, horse riding champion and judge Joanne Verikios shares her years of expertise and experience in this insightful book. Winning Horsemanship will show you how to achieve the success you desire and deserve. Learn how to master yourself, your horse and the secrets of winning!
You will discover:
- How to double your enjoyment of your horse... in and out of the arena
- Tips and secrets of successful ring craft used by top trainers and riders
- How to avoid painful, costly mistakes that can hold you back - or get you hurt
- The psychology of confidence (and how to share it with your horse)
- How simple changes in what you think can change the way your horse behaves
- 7 proven steps to prepare your horse for any competition
- Subtle ways to take control and say goodbye to poor performance forever
Have more fun with your horse.

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Witches' Britches, Itches & Twitches!

Mark Carthew; Mike Spoor
Leaping Lizards Press

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Knock Knock.
Who's there?
Abyssinia who?
Abyssinia after you read this book!
Witches in britches
zoom over the ditches.
This crazy book
will give you some twitches!

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Women In Workboots
Inspirational Stories of Women Who Have Broken Through the Barriers in Male-Dominated Industries
Lynette Gray
Global Publishing Group

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Women, bosses, blokes and steelcaps.
International author, entrepreneur and business owner, Lynette Gray has worked in a man's world her entire working career. She thinks it's time that women have more of a voice in these industries so she has set out to provide one.
In this book you will find amazing insights into how she and other successful women are achieving great things in the mining, transport, mechanical, construction and trade industries. It is the essential guide, from those who have paved the way before, to learning to balance your life and achieve success in a man's world.
This book is full of practical tips and insights that are invaluable to all women, in all walks of life, in any industry.
You will discover:
- Tips and secrets from women who have done the hard yards
- The essential guide to achieving your goals when working with men
- How to wear hi-viz confidently and stay sassy
- 5 key habits of successful women in industry
- How to avoid painful, costly mistakes when entering a male-dominated industry
- Confessions from women who wear workboots and hi-viz
- 3 powerful reasons why you can make it in a male-dominated industry
Get started today and achieve happiness in hi-viz and workboots.

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Work Less, Make More
The Millennial's Guide to Financial Freedom
Kim Northwood
Melbourne Books

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Work Less, Make More: The Millennial's Guide to Financial Freedom is about the golden rule of personal finance: If you don't manage your money, someone else will.
This book aims to inspire you to take control of your personal finances. We've been sold a lie about having to hustle harder than everyone else to get ahead. The truth is, personal finance is not about how much you earn - it's about how much you convert to wealth.
The book focuses on using money to its full potential - from home ownership strategies, insurances, and super, to modern investing tactics. Following two millennials, Penny and Shriram, the book shows how simple decisions can make an enormous difference to your wealth.
In the current social and economic climate, it is more important than ever to use knowledge to build financial security.
This is your guide to financial freedom.

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Work Smarter: Live Better
Practical Ways to Change Your Work Habits and Transform Your Life
Cyril Peupion
Peupion Pty Ltd

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Most people have never been taught how to work. We are committed to our job and want to be good at what we do. We are neither lazy nor unwilling. But we do not always work effectively - we work hard but not always smart.
To increase performance many people believe they need to do more. We spend less time with our loved ones, neglect our health and put our passions and hobbies on the back burner. And we end up frustrated, out of control and stressed.
Work Smarter: Live Better will transform your life:
- learn simple and practical tools to be in control at work,
- learn how to gain an extra two hours per day, and
- learn how to make room for what is important to you!
This journey will challenge your way of thinking about work. You will learn how to work smarter and more importantly, live better.
'I didn't realise the impact of my work on my stress levels. Since working with Cyril Peupion I am less stressed. I sleep at night. He changed my life!' - Marnie McLaren, Head of Investment Sourcing, St George Wealth Management
'I couldn't run my business as effectively and profitably as I do had I not learnt these efficiency and effectiveness skills.' - Simon Smith, Executive Coach and Managing Director, Southern Cross Coaching & Development Pty Ltd
'Most rewarding is the personal time I have now built into my working week that ensures I spend quality time with my family.' - Stuart Blake, Head of Sales & Service, NRMA, SGIO & SGIC - IAG


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