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(Click image for large version)
A Long Weekend In Belfast
Author: John Bryson |
RRP A$3.99 (Ebook) |
Publisher: John Bryson |
Pub Date: 2014-06-01 |
BIC Category: Cultural studies |
ISBN: 9781922219268 |
BISAC Category1: POLITICAL SCIENCE / Civil Rights |
BISAC Category2: HISTORY / Europe / Ireland |
Description: A novella sized piece covering the Ulster troubles, called the Stormont Riots, the street battles and intrigues of Ulster Protestants and IRA. "John Bryson has the skills of literary journalism, and abundant luck" a Penguin Books copywriter wrote for a back cover, and this was the case in 1986 in Belfast, where I was to launch a book, and stayed on to cover the sectarian war of that year, the worst for many years. 'A man was crucified in a Belfast park last night...' |
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