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Showing 16 to 30 of 63 titles

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Tödlicher Kult
(The Mountains Have a Secret)
Arthur W. Upfield
ETT Imprint
Inspector Bonaparte Mysteries 12

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»Holen Sie mir den Vogel runder«, bat der alte Simpson. »Ich möchte seinen Hals zwischen meinen Fingern spüren.«
Ein eprechender Kakadu und ein kauziger alter Mann im Rollstuhl empfangen Inspector Napoleon »Bony« Bonaparte, als er in einem einsam gelegenen Hotel inmitten der Grampian Mountains ankommt. Bony ist auf der Suche nach zwei spurlos verschwundenen Mädchen. Kann ihm das seltsame Paar weiterhelfen?
Tödlicher Kult: der bizarrste Fall in Bonys Karriere - jetzt zum ersten Mal in deutscher Sprache.

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The Widows of Broome

Arthur W. Upfield
ETT Imprint
Inspector Bonaparte Mysteries 13

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Broome is a little sun-drenched town on the barren north-west coast of Australia, the kind of place where everyone knows everyone else's business, where all the little bungalows might be glass for all the secrets they hide. How then had the murderer of Broome's two most attractive widows got away without leaving a single clue? Detective-Inspector Napoleon Bonaparte investigates, with his usual calm precision - but the murderer strikes again, and Bony realizes he is dealing with a madman - that time is running out...
Bony - a unique figure among top-flight detectives - BBC

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Die Witwen von Broome
(Widows of Broome)
Arthur W. Upfield
ETT Imprint
Inspector Bonaparte Mysteries 13

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»Upfields Bony-Romane sind für mich bei weitem das interessanteste Produkt australischer Literatur. Und einige von ihnen... mit ihrer Mischung aus Land, Farmern, Eingeborenen, Mythen, Puzzle und ›Action‹ sind absolute Sternstunden des Kriminalromans.« - Gisbert Haefs, Krimijahrbuch 1990

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The Bachelors of Broken Hill

Arthur W. Upfield
ETT Imprint
Inspector Bonaparte Mysteries 14

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When two elderly bachelors were poisoned with cyanide, a strange woman was on the scene each time - but now she has disappeared, leaving no trace. Tracking her down in a town of twenty-eight thousand people is a job to tax even Detective Inspector Bonaparte's powers. He will need the unorthodox assistance of burglar Jimmy the Screwsman and a lightning-sketch artist, as well as all the deductive and tracking skills at his command, as he trails a killer no-one has seen...

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Die Junggesellen von Broken Hill
(Bachelors of Broken Hill)
Arthur W. Upfield
ETT Imprint
Inspector Bonaparte Mysteries 14

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Erst Samuel Goldspink, dann Alfred Parsons, zuletzt Hans Gromberg: drei ältere Junggesellen, die in der Stadt Broken Hill durch Zyankali vergiftet wurden...
Kriminalinspektor Napoleon Bonaparte, der berühmte »Bony«, hat es diesmal besonders schwer, denn zur Mordzeit trieben sich mehrere verdächtige Personen in der Goldgräberstadt in Neusüdwales herum.…

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Der Neue Shuh
(The New Shoe)
Arthur W. Upfield
ETT Imprint
Inspector Bonaparte Mysteries 15

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Nur viermal im Jahr inspiziert ein Ingenieur vom Schifffahrtsamt den Leuchtturm auf Kap Split Point an der Südküste Australiens.
Ein ideales Versteck für einen Toten, dachte der Mörder - und er behielt recht.
Die Polizei war ratlos, bis "Bony", der berühmte Kriminaiinspektor
Bonaparte, sich für den Mord zu interessieren begann...

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The New Shoe

Arthur W. Upfield
ETT Imprint
Inspector Bonaparte Mysteries 15

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The nude body of a man is discovered entombed in the walls of Split Point Lighthouse on the south-east coast of Australia. Inspector Bonaparte wonders why a coffin is moved at night, who was the girl struggling with Dick Lake on the cliff tops, and what caused the Bully Buccaneers to deal in death. An ordinary policeman could afford to fail, but Bony, never...
The story takes place at Split Point, 80 miles between Anglesea and Lorne... The story is enlivened - and made more stark by contrast - by a series of Dickensian characters who are unexcelled in Upfield and perhaps elsewhere as well. Despite the solemnity of the occasion for the visit, Upfield maintains a kind of corpse-like humour which is very amusing... The whole book is first-class Upfield and first-class crime fiction. - from The Spirit of Australia by Ray Browne

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The New Shoe

Arthur W. Upfield
ETT Imprint
Inspector Bonaparte Mysteries 15

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The nude body of a man is discovered entombed in the walls of Split Point Lighthouse on the south-east coast of Australia. Inspector Bonaparte wonders why a coffin is moved at night, who was the girl struggling with Dick Lake on the cliff tops, and what caused the Bully Buccaneers to deal in death. An ordinary policeman could afford to fail, but Bony, never...
The story takes place at Split Point, 80 miles between Anglesea and Lorne... The story is enlivened - and made more stark by contrast - by a series of Dickensian characters who are unexcelled in Upfield and perhaps elsewhere as well. Despite the solemnity of the occasion for the visit, Upfield maintains a kind of corpse-like humour which is very amusing... The whole book is first-class Upfield and first-class crime fiction. - from The Spirit of Australia by Ray Browne

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Venom House

Arthur W. Upfield
ETT Imprint
Inspector Bonaparte Mysteries 16

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The Answerth family's mansion seems to deserve its nickname of Venom House - perhaps because of its forbidding setting, an island in the centre of a man-made lake, its treacherous waters studded by the skeletons of long-dead trees. Perhaps it's because of the unquiet ghosts of the Aboriginals slaughtered by the Answerth ancestors. Whatever the reason, most people are content to give Venom House and its occupants a wide berth... until a couple of corpses turn up in the lake...
The strength of Upfield's accomplishment in this book is so overwhelming it makes the reader cower. The characters are well-developed, the conversation vernacular for the Australian outback, and the development compelling. The story is the nearest Upfield comes to a story that would have made Edgar Allen Poe envious, Upfield maintains a kind of corpse-like humour which is very amusing... The whole book is first-class Upfield and first-class crime fiction. - from The Spirit of Australia by Ray Browne.

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Die Giftvilla
(Venom House)
Arthur W. Upfield
ETT Imprint
Inspector Bonaparte Mysteries 16

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Das Haus der Answerths in der Umgebung des australischen Städtchens Edison ist den Nachbarn nicht geheuer. Und auch die Answerths selbst sind sonderbare Zeitgenossen. Alle Gerüchte scheinen sich zu bewahrheiten, als die Gegend zum Schauplatz zweier Morde wird. Edward Carlow und die alte Mrs. Answerth finden im Wasser des nahen Sees ihr vorzeitiges Ende. »Bony«, der clevere Kriminalinspektor Napoleon Bonaparte, soll die Rätsel um die Giftvilla lösen…

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Murder Must Wait

Arthur W. Upfield
ETT Imprint
Inspector Bonaparte Mysteries 17

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In the little town of Mitford, New South Wales, four babies have been stolen - all boys, all under three months old, and all apparently neglected by their mothers. The local police have given up and the trail is cold. Then a fifth child vanishes, and the mother is found dead next to the empty cot. Inspector Bonaparte is called in, first to find the missing children, and only then to solve the murder...
Bony - a unique figure among top-flight detectives. - BBC

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Der sterbende See
(Death of a Lake)
Arthur W. Upfield
ETT Imprint
Inspector Bonaparte Mysteries 18

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Es ist Hochsommer im südlichen Hinterland Australiens.
Der Wasserspiegel des Lake Otway sinkt unaufhaltsam, die Tiere flüchten aus dem Dürregebiet. Während die Naturkatastrophe ihren Lauf nimmt, tritt Inspektor Napoleon Bonaparte in Aktion. Als Zureiter getarnt, ermittelt er wegen eines lange zurückliegenden Mordes. Vor Jahren verschwand hier in der Gegend ein reicher Fremder, und den Erzählungen nach liegt er auf dem Grund des Sees ...
"Noch ein Volltreffer, für den Autor wie für Bony.
Die Dürre, der Schauplatz, die Charaktere, Bonys getarnter Auftritt als Zureiter, das alles ist erstklassig!"
A Catalogue of Crime
"Arthur W. Upfield war ein geborener Geschichtenerzähler.
Kaum ein anderer Autor hat es wie er verstanden, eine scheinbar tote Wüste mit buntem Leben zu füllen, und keinem ist es wie ihm gelungen, die unerwartete Schönheit der australischen Hügel und Wälder und Felsenküsten mitzuteilen."
The Times

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Death of a Lake

Arthur W. Upfield
ETT Imprint
Inspector Bonaparte Mysteries 18

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Eight hundred kilometres from the sea, Lake Otway is dying. Heat, drought, and thirst-crazed animals take their toll. When Ray Gillen, lucky lottery winner, went for a swim one night and never came back, some thought it was an accident, or was it murder? As the water level drops, five men and two women wait beside the shrinking lake - for the body, the money, or neither. And watching it all, Bony…
Death of a Lake is as intense and unremitting story as Upfield ever wrote. It should be, for it is very close to Upfield's personality ... being the real Albermarle Station where Upfield was first hired as a cook in the 1920s and where he began his writing career ... In a hut at Wheeler's Well Upfield was inspired to write his Bony after a visit by Upfield's friend tracker Leon Wood. - from The Spirit of Australia by Ray Browne.
Bony - a unique figure among top-flight detectives - BBC

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Cake in the Hat Box
Sinister Stones
Arthur W. Upfield
ETT Imprint
Inspector Bonaparte Mysteries 19

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Sinister stones... On a lonely dirt road in Western Australia a police jeep is found. In it is Constable Stenhouse - shot dead. His Aboriginal tracker has disappeared. Enter Inspector Bonaparte, who soon realizes that he is not alone in his search for the criminal. The local Aboriginal tribe is seeking vengeance too...
Fascinating in its treatment of outback life, and reveals clearly the weakness Bony has for young women and for people in the cattle stations who have been abused by life and events. All in all, it is a creditable production. - From The Spirit of Australia by Ray Browne.

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Der Schwarze Brunnen
(Cake in the Hatbox)
Arthur W. Upfield
ETT Imprint
Inspector Bonaparte Mysteries 19

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Wachtmeister Stenhouse hatte bei den Leuten im australischen Busch viele Feinde.
Deshalb zweifelt Inspektor Bonaparte daran, daß Stenhouse ausgerecgbet von seinem einzigen Freund ermordet wurde.
Aber die Tatsachen sprechen für sich, und alles deutet auf die Schuld des Fährtensuchers Jacky.
Bis »Bony« eine Entdeckung macht…


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