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eBook Listing

Showing 46 to 60 of 259 titles

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Bony Übernimmt Den Fall
(Madman's Bend)
Arthur W. Upfield
ETT Imprint

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»Ein nackter Arm hatte sie umfaßt und hochgehoben. Sie öffnete den Mund, um zu schreien, da wurde ihr Gesicht grob gegen eine schweißige Brust gedrückt, und nun was es für Linda nicht mehr ein Tag wie jeder andere...«
Mount-Eden-Farm in Südaustralien: Während die Männer unterwegs sind, geschieht ein abscheuliches Verbrechen. Mrs. Bell, die Haushälterin, wird ermordet, und ihre Tochter, die sieben Jahre alte Linda, ist verschwunden. Kriminalinspektor Napoleon »Bony« Bonaparte übernimmt den Fall.
»Seine Krimis gehören zum Besten, was die australische Literatur zu bieten hat.« - Reclams Kriminalführer

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Bony und der Bumerang
(The Barrakee Mystery)
Arthur W. Upfield
ETT Imprint

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Vor vielen Jahren verschwand King Henry spurlos aus Barrakee. Warum? Niemand weiß es.
Plötzlich kehrt er zurück - und wird ermordet. Warum? Niemand weiß es.
Aber das größte Rätsel: Wie wurde er getötet? Niemand weiß es.
Bis Bony kommt - Kriminalinspektor Napoleon Bonaparte...
Der Roman spielt in Australien.

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Bony und die Maus
(Bony and the Mouse)
Arthur W. Upfield
ETT Imprint

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Bony und die Maus.
In Daybreak, einem kleinen Ort mitten in Australien, geschich eine Reihe von Morden. Die Ermittlungen der Polizei blieben ergebnislos, bis sich Bony inkognito des Falles annimmt und sich auf ein riskantes Spiel mit dem Mörder einläßt.
»Upfields Bony-Romane sind für mich bei weitem das interessanteste Produkt australicher Literatur. Und einige von ihnen ... mit ihrer Mischung aus Land, Farmern, Eingeborenen, Mythen, Puzzle und ›Action‹ sind absolute Sternstunden des Kriminalromans.« Gisbert Haefs, Krimijahrbuch 1990

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Bony und die schwarze Jungfrau
(Bony and the Black Virgin)
Arthur W. Upfield
ETT Imprint

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Als der Schafzüchter John Downer und sein Sohn Eric zurückkommen auf ihre Farm, ist der Arbeiter Carl Brandt spurlos verschwunden.
Statt dessen entdecken die beiden einen Toten, den sie noch nie zuvor gesehen haben. Er hält ein schwarzes Haarbüschel in der Hand, wie nach einem erbitterten Kampf. Brandt aber hatte blondes Haar...

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Bony und die Todesotter
(Bushranger of the Skies)
Arthur W. Upfield
ETT Imprint

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»Die Vögel krächzten aufgeregt und flatterten zwischen den Zweigen hin und her, wagten aber in Anbetracht des sich rasch nähernden Flugzeuges nicht, ihr Versteck stürzte, sie duckten sich in die Zweige, als er ganz niedrig über die Palmen hinwegschoß. Und sie sahen das stählerne Ei, das der große Vogel fallen ließ.«
Nur um Haaresbreite entgeht Inspektor Napoleon »Bony« Bonaparte dem Tod aus der Luft. Wer macht inmitten der australischen Steppe mit einem Flugzeug Jagd auf Manschen?
»Seine Krimis gehören zum Besten, was die australische Literatur zu bieten hat.« Reclams Kriminalführer

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Bony und die weiße Wilde
(Bony and the White Savage)
Arthur W. Upfield
ETT Imprint

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Marvin Rhudder, der nach Verbüßung einer Zuchthausstrafe einen Raubüberfall begangen hat, wird steckbrieflich gesucht. Seine Freundin führt Bony zu einer Höhle. Dort findet er Rhudder - tot. War es Mord?

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Bony wird verhaftet
(Death of a Swagman)
Arthur W. Upfield
ETT Imprint

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Den Mordfall des Viehhirten George Kendall will Inspektor Napoleon Bonaparte, der berühmte ›Bony‹, wieder einmal auf seine eigene, unkonventionelle Weise lösen.
Er taucht inkognito in dem Städtchen Merino in Neusüdwales auf und wird prompt von der dortigen Polizei verhaftet!
Dennoch gelingt es Bony, den Mörder zu stellen - einen Mann mit einem sehr seltsamen Tatmotiv…

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Stephen Johnson
Clan Destine Press

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A captive woman, a lover betrayed, an idealistic journalist.
Three women - their fates strangely aligned by a killer obsessed with retribution.
Melbourne Spotlight journalist Kim Prescott is promoted to the TV reporting staff after the program's expose of the Tugga's Mob murders in Australia and New Zealand was a ratings bonanza.
The TV show's high progile now attracts stories.
One anonymous tip-off will horrify the nation all over again. Despite the scandal that nearly closed the greyhound racing industry, it seems live baiting is still going on.
The trail leads Kim and her camera crew to the Victorian gold-mining ghost town of Steiglitz. They find horrific scenes at a trainer's starting boxes - but not at all what they expect.
Meanwhile, production assistant Jo becomes the pawn of an activist with a vendetta, testing whether her loyalty lies with him or her current affairs team.
And, most desperate of all, hope finally flickers for a woman who scratches the record of her captivity into a cellar wall.

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Boy's Own War
Boy Warriors Fighting Through the Ages
G. S. Willmott
Crabtree Pty Ltd

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This book is about war, yet it's not a novel about enemies fighting to the death or examining the strategies of battles. This novel is about young boys some as young as eight, fighting, killing and being killed.
The first six chapters follow the lives of two normal happy teenagers attending school, playing sport and learning about girls. This creates a comparative scenario highlighting the difference between a modern teenager and the boys that carry guns and fight in horrendous conditions, their innocence lost forever.
Boy's Own War is a tightly woven, precise narrative that intertwines historical fact with both real and imagined characters. It is a novel that works on many levels, and it is impossible to locate it within any single genre; it is all the more impressive as it blends a considerable amount of informative research with elements of realistic human drama.
It is an important book. Not only does it remind us of the courage and sacrifice of boy warriors who lost their lives in wars but also it reminds us of the significance of those wars and the effect they have had on humankind. By showing the waste and futility of war, and how children become entrenched in horrendous battles losing limbs and lives, Boy's Own War also seeks a more general lasting peace for humankind.
This is an extraordinary story, one that provides insights into the dualities of human nature, especially against a background of war. Generally, parents nurture their children, educate them hoping they will become responsible adults. The parents of the boys in this book lost their children to the ultimate human evil... war.
We are confronted with the potential within all of us for both heroism and cowardice, honesty and deception, altruism and greed; there is, in the intensity of wartime, a heightened awareness of moral dilemmas, choices between good and evil which have eternally confronted humankind.

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Breakaway Creek

Heather Garside
Clan Destine Press

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Two city women - a century apart - find love and adventure with rugged men in the Queensland outback.
Two love stories; two parallel lives; two destinies.
Set in the 19th and 21st centuries, Heather Garside's debut novel is a passionate rural romance of love and its consequences.
Shelley and Emma are separated by time but bound by a dark secret to a place called Breakaway Creek.
Betrayed by her long-term boyfriend, Shelley Blake has fled the city to return to her home town. Her interest in a photograph of her great-great-grandparents is piqued by her family's reticence about the mystery couple, and a search for answers takes her to the cattle station Breakaway Creek.
Here she meets Luke Sherman, a man embroiled in the bitter ending of his marriage and a heart-breaking separation from his two small boys.
Shelley resists an instant attraction to Luke, as neither is ready for a new relationship.
And, while Luke struggles to reclaim his children, Shelley uncovers the truth about her ancestors, Alex and Emma.
A story of racial bigotry and a love that transcends all obstacles takes the reader back to the pioneering days of the 1890s.

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Breakaway House

Arthur W. Upfield
ETT Imprint

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Harry Tremayne, a policeman, goes to an isolated valley in the remote Murchison region of Western Australia to find his brother - who vanished a month earlier while investigating the murder of a police detective. Do the gold smugglers at Breakaway House hold the answers to the mystery?
First published as a serial in the Perth Daily News in 1932, the real setting for the book is Mt Magnet, about 150k north of Perth, deep in gold country.
'It is somewhat less intense and less effective than the books in the Bony series, but it is successful as an early effort of Upfield's treatment of the Australian outback.' - Ray Browne, The Spirit of Australia

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Brothers in Arms

G. S. Willmott
Crabtree Pty Ltd

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This is an extraordinary story, one which provides insights into the dualities of human nature, especially against a background of war. We are confronted with the potential within all of us for both heroism and cowardice, honesty and deception, altruism and greed; there is, in the intensity of war-time, a heightened awareness of moral dilemmas, choices between good and evil which have eternally confronted humankind.
Weaving an intriguing narrative, the author confronts his readers also with the question: where does truth lie? At what point can one depart from contextual history to enter the world of fiction and imagination?
Brothers in Arms provides a rare balance between well-researched historical fact and convincingly imagined events and characters; the plot, with its constant surprises and multiple twists, Is a tour de force and sustains tension and suspense until the final pages.
By creating the personal tragedy of an imagined family within the social, cultural and historical framework of three wars and three continents, Garry Wilmott provides illuminating facts, thought-provoking questions and a constantly engaging read.

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Bushranger of the Skies
No Footprints in the Bush
Arthur W. Upfield
ETT Imprint

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An extraordinary case for Detective-Inspector Napoleon Bonaparte opens when a police car is bombed from the air on a lonely outback road by a mysterious pilot who plans to conquer a nation. The trail through the land of burning waters tests Bony's endurance to the limit and takes the detective as close to death as he has ever been. Welcome to Central Australia!
This is surely one of Upfield's strongest books. It is filled with various kinds of symbolism - of religion, of clothes v nakedness, of action, of the fruits of love of white for aboriginal. Throughout the prose is rich, resonant, compelling. In this book are passages which are as rapid, graphic and enspiriting as in any other book. - from The Spirit of Australia by Ray Browne.

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Cake in the Hat Box
Sinister Stones
Arthur W. Upfield
ETT Imprint

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Sinister stones... On a lonely dirt road in Western Australia a police jeep is found. In it is Constable Stenhouse - shot dead. His Aboriginal tracker has disappeared. Enter Inspector Bonaparte, who soon realizes that he is not alone in his search for the criminal. The local Aboriginal tribe is seeking vengeance too...
Fascinating in its treatment of outback life, and reveals clearly the weakness Bony has for young women and for people in the cattle stations who have been abused by life and events. All in all, it is a creditable production. - From The Spirit of Australia by Ray Browne.

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Call of the Wild

Sarah Evans
Clan Destine Press

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Tales of mermaids and ghosts, of love and revenge.


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