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Australian Legendary Tales
K Langloh Parker
ETT Imprint
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Description: Australian Legendary Tales: Folk-lore of the Noongahburrahs as Told to the Piccaninnies was first published in 1896. The 30 tales are supplemented by a glossary and the first tale transliterated from the original language and are set in a 'no-time' where animal spirits, supernatural beings and humans interact, often alluding to ideas of creation. Langloh Parker is probably right in her surmise that this is the first attempt to collect the tribal tales of any particular native tribe, or to exploit this special field of distinctively Australian literature in this particular form. Australian children may read here for the first time about Yki the sun, and Baloo the moon, how the gay Galah came to be a bald headed bird, and why Oolab the lizard is coloured a reddish brown and is covered with pikes like bindeah prickles, why Dinewan the emu cannot fly, and how it was that Goomblegubbon the bustard came to lay only two eggs in a season... The legend of Wirreenun, the rain-making magician, is one that can hardly fail to appeal to all who know what an Australian drought is; and those who would like to know what the blacks thought of Cookoo-burrah the laughing-jackass, or Gooloo the magpie, or Moodai the possum, or any of the other familiar denizens of the bush, may be confidently recommended to these delightful pages. Mrs Langloh Parker has told all these stories with a full appreciation of their value as folk-lore as well as of their interest as legendary tales. She has striven, and not unsuccessfully, to do in this way for Australian folk-lore what Longfellow did in "Hiawatha" for the North American tribes, and Mr. Andrew Lang's introduction has some warm words of commendation for the interest of the volume from his special point of view. The book has a further claim to attention in that it is the first ever illustrated by an aboriginal artist (Tommy McRae)... - Sydney Morning Herald, 1896 |
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Authority Influencer Marketing Made Simple
The No.1 Secret to stand out and dominate in any crowded market place, in any industry, any time
Andrew Carter
Global Publishing Group
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Description: How to position yourself as THE "go-to" authority in your niche and increase profits exponentially. International author, entrepreneur, speaker and marketing specialist, Andrew Carter shares his insider secret on the single most powerful, yet least known, marketing tool available to business owners today. His entrepreneurial success in building profitable businesses led him to owning an award-winning international company who have helped business owners, celebrities and thought leaders grow their brands internationally using this one simple, powerful strategy. This book unlocks that strategy so you can skyrocket your online or offline business and brand with minimal effort. You will discover: - The golden rules to authority and influencer marketing, and how to create it quickly and easily - The breakthrough strategy that makes you No. 1 in your niche - Powerful tips to increasing your profits without wasting money on advertising - How to get thousands of dollars in free media and PR for your business - How to have hungry customers eagerly coming to you and willing to pay you more - How to massively grow your brand, give you more time and money, and make your competition irrelevant - The game behind the game - unleashing the true power of authority and influencer marketing Accelerate your profits. Read this book today! |
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Beyond Berggasse
A Novel
Joe Reich
Hybrid Publishers
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Description: Beyond Berggasse is a story that takes the reader deep into the heady world of war, Zionism, salons, writers, artists, sexual awakening and the randomness of tragedy and redemption that follow. In late nineteenth century Vienna, Moritz, a young man from a well-to-do Jewish family, lives in the shadow of his older brother. Afflicted by a birthmark which in ancient times would have seen him left out for the wolves, he tries to retreat into a world of reading and writing. But unable to escape the ‘target on his face’, as his father calls it, Moritz is forced by his impatient nation into war. Beyond Berggasse has a dual structure. It starts in 1898 in Vienna and continues until the end of the First World War before jumping to the modern day, when we meet the grandchildren of the brothers from Vienna. Full of rich details about a time of profound change and upheaval in Vienna’s cultural life, we meet such luminaries as Klimt, Mahler, Zweig, Herzl, Schiele and many more in a blend of historical fact and imaginative recreation. |
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Magdalena Ball
Puncher & Wattmann
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Description: Though she was only fourteen years old, like many other Jews in Eastern Europe's Pale of Settlement in 1907, Rebecca Lieberman gathered her few belongings and left for the United States. What follows is a unique and poetic story of history, war, mysticism, music, abuse, survival and transcendence against the backdrop of New York City in the '20s, '30s and '40s. |
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Bony kauft eine Frau
(Bony Buys a Woman)
Arthur W. Upfield
ETT Imprint
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Description: Während die Männer unterwegs sind, geschieht in der Mount Eden-Farm in Südaustralien ein abscheuliches Verbrechen. Mrs. Bell, die Haushälterin, wird ermordet, und ihre Tochter, die sieben Jahre alte Linda, ist verschwunden. Als Kriminalinspektor Napoleon Bonaparte, genannt ›Bony‹, an den Tatort kommt, sind schon fünf Wochen vergangen... |
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Bony Übernimmt Den Fall
(Madman's Bend)
Arthur W. Upfield
ETT Imprint
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Description: »Ein nackter Arm hatte sie umfaßt und hochgehoben. Sie öffnete den Mund, um zu schreien, da wurde ihr Gesicht grob gegen eine schweißige Brust gedrückt, und nun was es für Linda nicht mehr ein Tag wie jeder andere...« Mount-Eden-Farm in Südaustralien: Während die Männer unterwegs sind, geschieht ein abscheuliches Verbrechen. Mrs. Bell, die Haushälterin, wird ermordet, und ihre Tochter, die sieben Jahre alte Linda, ist verschwunden. Kriminalinspektor Napoleon »Bony« Bonaparte übernimmt den Fall. »Seine Krimis gehören zum Besten, was die australische Literatur zu bieten hat.« - Reclams Kriminalführer |
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Bony und die Maus
(Bony and the Mouse)
Arthur W. Upfield
ETT Imprint
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Description: Bony und die Maus. In Daybreak, einem kleinen Ort mitten in Australien, geschich eine Reihe von Morden. Die Ermittlungen der Polizei blieben ergebnislos, bis sich Bony inkognito des Falles annimmt und sich auf ein riskantes Spiel mit dem Mörder einläßt. »Upfields Bony-Romane sind für mich bei weitem das interessanteste Produkt australicher Literatur. Und einige von ihnen ... mit ihrer Mischung aus Land, Farmern, Eingeborenen, Mythen, Puzzle und ›Action‹ sind absolute Sternstunden des Kriminalromans.« Gisbert Haefs, Krimijahrbuch 1990 |
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Bony und die schwarze Jungfrau
(Bony and the Black Virgin)
Arthur W. Upfield
ETT Imprint
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Description: Als der Schafzüchter John Downer und sein Sohn Eric zurückkommen auf ihre Farm, ist der Arbeiter Carl Brandt spurlos verschwunden. Statt dessen entdecken die beiden einen Toten, den sie noch nie zuvor gesehen haben. Er hält ein schwarzes Haarbüschel in der Hand, wie nach einem erbitterten Kampf. Brandt aber hatte blondes Haar... |
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Bony und die weiße Wilde
(Bony and the White Savage)
Arthur W. Upfield
ETT Imprint
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Description: Marvin Rhudder, der nach Verbüßung einer Zuchthausstrafe einen Raubüberfall begangen hat, wird steckbrieflich gesucht. Seine Freundin führt Bony zu einer Höhle. Dort findet er Rhudder - tot. War es Mord? |
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Bush to Buckingham Palace
Crazy Adventures of Fun-loving Test Cricketer Rick Darling
Rick Darling
Ryan Publishing
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Description: Rick Darling was an extremely talented cricketer who loved to hook and cut the quick bowlers. He was a tremendous player of spin bowling and one of the best cover fielders in world cricket. There is no doubt he was one of the most popular players of his time with both his teammates and opposition players. He was an absolute pleasure to be around, and I'm sure everyone will enjoy this book about the lighter side of his life, and his life in cricket. |
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Clean Up with Franchising
The Business Model for High Profits, Low Overhead, and Residual Income
Damien Boehm
Global Publishing Group
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Description: Discover how master franchising together with commercial cleaning can create the ultimate residual income business. International author, entrepreneur and leading franchise expert, Damien Boehm, shares his breakthrough franchise secrets that allowed him to build a network of over 100 franchises in just 6 years. In this book, he reveals how he turned a simple cleaning business into an international franchise powerhouse. Damien takes you by the hand and shows you how the secrets of a closely guarded, little known entrepreneurs' business model can create long term residual income with high profits and low overheads. You'll learn: - the secret to running a multimillion dollar business without a single employee - how to operate a highly profitable business with next to no overheads - how to generate recurring revenue that doesn't rely on you cleaning or managing cleaning teams - the 6 things you must have in your business to attract the most profitable commercial cleaning accounts - the 3 step process used to win twenty new accounts in 30 days - how to franchise a cleaning business to accelerate growth and profit - how to create an irresistible franchise offer This book is your blueprint to building residual income |
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Crossing the Dead Heart
C.T. Madigan
ETT Imprint
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Description: This book is a classic narrative of modern exploration; a story of adventure, enterprise and patient scientific exploration, illustrated by photographs taken on the expedition. The Simpson is a sand-ridge desert extending 200 miles (322 km) west to east, the ridges running parallel from north to south at roughly quarter-mile (0.4 km) intervals, some reaching as high as 100 feet (30 m). Madigan planned a ground crossing in the winter of 1939. A party of nine, including a biologist, a botanist, a photographer and a radio operator, with nineteen camels, made the exhausting crossing from Andado station in the Northern Territory to Birdsville in twenty-five days. It verified Madigan's previous conclusions that the area was a wasteland. This last classic Australian exploration adventure pioneered the use of mobile radio communication; national broadcasts were made through the Australian Broadcasting Commission from desert camps. The scientific results were published and also a popular accound, Crossing the Dead Heart (Melbourne, 1946). He saw the 'Dead Heart' as a land of everlasting sand-ridges and salt-encrusted clay-pans; while his conclusions seemed correct then, within twenty years the area was criss-crossed by petroleum explorers. - Australian Dictionary of Biography |
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Dangerous Devotions
A D Penhall
Clan Destine Press
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Description: Blind barrister Tom Challinor's plans for a well-earned week off are dashed by an attempted murder linked to a Sydney escort agency. Sonya and her sassy friend Avril are workers in that niche-market agency where the workers are all people with disability, amputees, chair users, or people of short stature. Their eager customers style themselves 'devotees'. Meanwhile, bizarrely-mutilated dolls are turning up on the doorestep of a women's refuge. As Tom investigates an underworld of desire, entitlement, and exploitation the menace of predatory passion clamps tight around Avril and Sonya, and young women start to disappear. |
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Der sterbende See
(Death of a Lake)
Arthur W. Upfield
ETT Imprint
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Description: Es ist Hochsommer im südlichen Hinterland Australiens. Der Wasserspiegel des Lake Otway sinkt unaufhaltsam, die Tiere flüchten aus dem Dürregebiet. Während die Naturkatastrophe ihren Lauf nimmt, tritt Inspektor Napoleon Bonaparte in Aktion. Als Zureiter getarnt, ermittelt er wegen eines lange zurückliegenden Mordes. Vor Jahren verschwand hier in der Gegend ein reicher Fremder, und den Erzählungen nach liegt er auf dem Grund des Sees ... "Noch ein Volltreffer, für den Autor wie für Bony. Die Dürre, der Schauplatz, die Charaktere, Bonys getarnter Auftritt als Zureiter, das alles ist erstklassig!" A Catalogue of Crime "Arthur W. Upfield war ein geborener Geschichtenerzähler. Kaum ein anderer Autor hat es wie er verstanden, eine scheinbar tote Wüste mit buntem Leben zu füllen, und keinem ist es wie ihm gelungen, die unerwartete Schönheit der australischen Hügel und Wälder und Felsenküsten mitzuteilen." The Times |
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Der streitbare Prophet
(The Battling Prophet)
Arthur W. Upfield
ETT Imprint
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Description: Der berühmte Meteorologe Wickham ist den Behördeb ein Dorn im Auge. Kein Wunder, daß man nach seinem Tod munkelt, er sei aus politischen Gründen ermordet worden. Kriminalinspektor Napoleon Bonaparte - seine Freunde nennen ihn ›Bony‹ - untersucht den Fall nach seiner unfehlbaren Methode. Er konzentriert sich auf Motiv, Gelegenheit und Mittel zu diesem angeblichen Mord. Und er deckt dabei erstaunliche Geheimnisse auf... Schauplatz: der südaustralische Busch |
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